23 Sep 2024
5 Sep 2023
4 Jul 2023
16 May 2023
14 Mar 2023
12 Dec 2022
28 Nov 2022
8 Nov 2022
I've been fortunate to work as a planner in New York and London. Not all of the jobs I've had have inspired my smug internal dialogue, but I feel that I've always maintained a faith in the power of what planning and planners can do, even when it's been hard (at times, very hard) to muster the enthusiasm. Sincerely and seriously, I do love being a planner - albeit, an imperfect one - and I naively assume that all planners have an obligation (you don't!!) to feel the same.
The discussion that's been playing out in niche media is a regrettable one: accounts of planners' frustrations in the workplace, recognition by profession leaders that morale is challenged and, more recently, a view that planning is not a desirable career choice. I personally can't claim to have experienced everything that is described in these reports and, as much as I would like to, I don't have precise evidence of the state of the planning profession. What I do have is a basic conviction that planners chose the direction because we have been dazzled and dumbfounded by its potential at some point, and if some/all of us have lost view of planning's luster along the way, we can reclaim it, even in small ways.
So, the purpose of Pinch Yourself, You're a Planner, is for planners to:
I, myself, have spent a lot of time thinking about what has inspired joy in my work, and I have some initial thoughts. These are the start of a hypothesis - by no means exhaustive or scientific, but a few themes that I'm eager to test. My goal is to tap the brains of planners who have had positive professional experiences to share their top tips, aggregate them on Pinch Yourself, You're a Planner, and begin to establish a resource of good practice - for planners.
I look forward to this process of learning from you. I'm sure it will be fruitful.