
Shelly Rouse

23 Sep 2024

I am freshly back from the Joint Planning Law Conference that takes place at New College Oxford each year. It is such a privilege to attend - my second time. The zeal I felt following my first year at the conference led me to prepare a shocking promo video that the conference committee was gracious enough to allow to be associated with their illustrious conference. Why this anecdote? Firstly, any opportunity to extol the JPLC. Secondly, and pertinently, Shelly Rouse of the Planning Advisory Service encourages us all to get stuck in. I'm proud to say I've exhibited my stuck-acity. Not like that.

In a podcast that's main aim is to enthuse planners about our profession, I think Shelly cracks the nut.

What can managers do to promote a positive and engaging workplace? Make time for the team to more than be managed - to be mentored and listened to and valued and empowered. Ok, words that are not too hard to spell but certainly challenging to put into practice in the circumstances in which we all currently work. Nevertheless, more recognition of this should happen in the workplace, put these goals on the agenda and agree steps to get there.

What can planners do to boost their own enthusiasm? Go extracurricular. Wha??!! But the workload and the time and the pressure and the exhaustion. You know how when you type into Google "why am I so tired all the time" and Google arrogantly looks you right in your "oo"s and suggests "exercise"? Wha??!! That's this! Taking part in work-adjacent things outside of work is the mental exercise for the tired planner. Some call it CPD, some call it networking. It's getting out of the grind and finding a new way to reconnect with the purpose that originally hooked you. I will admit this. I'm dancing my fingers across the keyboard, haughtily typing that everyone should prance over to the next lecture on passivhaus. In fairness, this approach is not for everyone. My natural response to being on a back foot is to take action and to get stuck in. It's ok for this not to be your way of getting out of a planning funk. But please, please don't do this - be in a funk - and take no action of any kind.